Cumuli foundation
Paintings by Els Kramer are also presented by Cumuli foundation. They can be seen at exhibitions on a regularly basis. New work is Fata Morgana
Poppy's, Landscape and Sea
The exhibition Imaginations with these paintings by Els Kramer and poems by Cornelis van der Grift was to be seen in the Grote Kerk in Zwolle in 2008. Cumuli published the book of this exhibition with the subtitle ‘fantasy in word and image’.
Prize-winning painting at the Kunstmanifestatie 2017 Nijmegen.
Jury: 'The painting reminds of a family chronicle from days long past. It's representation is lively and impressive. The texture is light an stylistic. The faces and the stature of the figures are caught very well.
Fata Morgana
Inspiration on Van Gogh in the gardens of Huis Sevenaer Estate. The shape of the trees manifest their self esteem in growing toward heaven. A picture of futural paradise.
Recent chamberwork as an intensive impression of an inspiration without end. The deep perspective is almost breathtaking the sight of the imaginary wind waving over this dunesea.